Facts and Figures
Social Media
LinkedIn updates concerning the Partnership’s own activities received the most attention. These are the Top-10 updates, ranked by the number of likes:
We see the same on Twitter, where the engagement rate was highest for tweets on our activities. Three tweets on gender-based violence and our Partnership Initiatives made it into the Top 10, as well as two tweets related to the COVID-19 update on our website.
Media Coverage
The Textiles Partnership was mentioned in 57 media reports. In 32 of them, it was merely mentioned without any in-depth reporting (56%). In 17 cases the coverage was positive or neutral (30%), in the remaining 8 articles the PST was criticized (14%). 2020, many articles dealt with the impact of Covid-19 on textile supply chains and the discussion about mandatory due diligence regulation.
That the Textiles Partnership was kept busy in 2020 is reflected in around 30 news articles on topics such as new members or Partnership Initiatives, new partners in our cooperation network and publications. Our COVID-19 update provided sector-specific information, including information about the impact of the pandemic on textile supply chains, guidelines on responsible purchasing practices and specific information on 15 producing countries. Moreover, we updated the ‘Projects worldwide’ database and added a full-text search function that allows you to find content and publications more easily.
Top 10 Pages by Views
Website Visitors
In 2020, the Partnership website registered around 57,400 visitors from 80 different countries.