Facts & Figures

Annual Topic Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence was the annual topic 2020 in the Textiles Partnership. In February, 14 members formed an expert group and started work. In November, the Steering Committee decided to extend the mandate of the expert group.

7 Webinars

  • Introduction to Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (GBVH) 
  • Adoption of the ILO Convention 190 – what next? Measures against gender-based violence in textile supply chains
  • The Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Garment Workers
  • Addressing the Gender Data Gap 
  • How to address the sector risk of gender-based violence at factory level: Perspectives from Bangladesh
  • 2 out of 3 webinars of the series GBVH and Social Audits, part of the cooperation project with GOTS and IV


  • Guidance Document on Due Diligence, Social Audits and GBVH (2021)
  • 9 country-specific factsheets on gender-based violence in

3 Articles on Gender-Based Violence

  • Historic Milestone : the ILO Convention 190, Interview with Dr. Christina Stockfisch (DGB) on the ILO Convention 190 and its status of implementation

  • ‘Invisible Women’ – Due Diligence Risks and the Gender Data Gap, written by Stephanie Barrientos 

  • Prevent violence against women in factories, but how? Guest article by Sina Marx (FEMNET)


Detailed information in chapter 5.

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