Chapter 3.3
Workshops & webinars
Facts and figures
High on the agenda: Supply Chain Act, Grievance Mechanisms and Remedy, Circular Economy and Climate Protection
As in 2022, there was particularly strong interest in events on legal requirements in the textile industry as the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and regulatory developments at EU level entered into force. Accordingly, the webinar series “Europe’s Green Transition in the Textile Sector”, which was launched in cooperation with the Green Button in September and examined the EU Green Deal and its impact on the textile and clothing sector, attracted several hundred participants.
The 9th General Assembly took place in November 2023 with the same thematic focus and was attended by 110 participants. Around 140 participants discussed the impact of the new EU legislation on the textile industry at the “Change of Perspective” working meeting in Berlin last April. Other member-specific events, such as those on the implementation of due diligence obligations and the review process, but also on the focus topics of Grievance Mechanisms and Remedy as well as the Circular Economy and Climate Protection, also attracted large numbers of participants.
“Change of Perspective” working meeting, April 26, 2023
The working meeting in 2023 was held under the theme “Change of Perspective”. Central to the change of perspective was the panel discussion, which focused on how purchasing companies can better take rights holders at suppliers and in production countries into account in their business practices. The panel discussion was rounded off with inputs on the topic of “Worker-led agreements to address workplace related risks and harms – the Dindigul Agreement and the International Accord”.
In the afternoon, Partnership members and interested organizations worked together in workshops and in a World Café, where opportunities for participation in Partnership Initiatives were discussed. You can find more information on the working meeting in this article.
9th General Meeting, November 8th and 9th 2023
In November, the members of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles met for their 9th general meeting in Cologne. The exchange was characterized by one topic in particular: the new EU legislation for the textile industry. On the first day of the meeting, Textile Partnership Director Linda Schraml reported on the results of the Partnership’s work in 2023, highlighting in particular the Partnership Initiatives that all Partnership members have been obliged to participate in since 2023.
The afternoon of the second day was dedicated to joint work on key issues, which were addressed in various workshops. Here, too, the new EU regulations and their implications for the textile industry were a central topic. Individual workshop sessions dealt, for example, with the new biodiversity criteria for standards and purchasing, the handling of post-consumer waste or sustainability criteria in cotton cultivation. You can find more information on the 9th General Assembly in this article.
The European Green Deal – a new wind for the textile industry?
Together with the Green Button, the Textile Partnership offered a series of webinars from September last year until the end of March 2024. The topic? The EU’s Green Deal and its impact on the textile and garment sector. In a total of six webinars, various experts and stakeholders prepared interested Partnership members for the new regulatory requirements.